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We’ve got your back covered >

Our Support Services are designed to fill in where you have a need.


Designed for organisations who are confident with maintaining their own infrastructure and own their own kit but require the benefits of rack hosting within a professional hosting environment.

Hardware Care (VPS+IaaS+Colocation)

For organisations that have the staff that can build and manage your business software; our Hardware Care plan is ideal in assisting you maintain business continuity.
Web Prophets will manage all of your hardware requirements and monitor day-to-day systems making sure that CPU/RAM/disk utilisation is working best for your online business solutions.

Complete Systems (VPS+IaaS+Colocation)

This service provides the complete management of your online environment from hardware through to operating systems.
We will undertake patching, updating, monitoring and preventative maintenance of your environment whilst leaving you to concentrate on your applications and your business.